Who Do I Contact?
General Queries
For general queries, your first point of contact should be your child’s Class Tutor. You may also wish to speak to the Year Tutor, but please go through the Class Tutor first.
Subject Queries
For subject queries, your first point of contact should be your child’s subject teacher. You may also wish to speak to the Subject Leader, but please go through the subject teacher first.
Pastoral Queries
For pastoral issues, your first point of contact should be your child’s Class Tutor.
In some situations, it may be appropriate to contact the senior member of staff responsible for each Key Stage or the Pastoral Vice Principal.
Child Protection
If you need to contact school about a child protection issue, the Designated Teacher for Child Protection is the Pastoral Vice Principal, Mrs Houston and the Deputy Designated Teachers are Mrs Rayot, Dr Byrne, Mr McMahon and Mrs Campbell-Nesbitt.
Contacting the Principal
The Principal can also be contacted via telephone or you may wish to make an appointment via his P.A., Mrs Loughlan.
How Soon Will the School Respond to my Query?
In most cases, staff will try to respond very quickly. However, this will not always be possible. The expectation is that you should receive a response within five working days at the most.
If you need to contact the school regarding an urgent matter or, in the unlikely event that you are experiencing difficulties with the systems set out above, please contact either Vice Principal.
Recommended Procedure for Parents
Methods of Communication
You can contact a member of staff in a number of ways:
Please email the School Email and your message will be passed onto the appropriate person info@antrimgrammar.antrim.ni.sch.uk. Please indicate clearly who you are trying to contact on the email. The School Office will forward your email to the appropriate member of staff.
Please phone the School Office on 028 9446 4091. The School Secretary will take your details so that a phone call from the person you require is arranged. If you are ringing about attendance, ring the designated Attendance Line on 028 9446 3432.
You may write a letter to the appropriate member of staff and leave at the School
Office in an envelope addressed to the intended recipient.
In Person
A member of our School Office staff will be pleased to help if you come into School. Please be aware, however, that staff will be unavailable during the day unless an arrangement has been made in advance. The School Office is open from 8:30am to 4:30pm every day to help and support you.