Thursday 23 January 2025 Holocaust Memorial Workshop Y13 History pupils had the privilege of joining our neighbours in Parkhall Integrated College to take part in a Holocaust Memorial workshop. Lu Lawrence, the daughter of the Holocaust survivor Ziggy Shippers, led the event and conveyed her father's story very meaningfully. This was a great opportunity for our pupils to hear a personal perspective on the Holocaust as we approach the 80th anniversary of the atrocity.
Thursday 16 January 2025 Interview Skills Day 2025 Today our Year 14 students took part in an interview skills day. The day started with a workshop lead by Olga Pollock and Lorna Leese from Firmus Energy, followed by individual interviews with interviewers from a range of companies and organisations. We would like to extend our gratitude to the interviewers who took time out of their working day to give the students this experience and provided invaluable feedback, and to Olga and Lorna in particular. And of course a HUGE well done to the students who performed brilliantly!
Saturday 11 January 2025 Open Day 2025
Thursday 9 January 2025 Year 10 Careers Day The thumbnail has been assigned to the news item, and for convenience also added to the body here. Year 10 students enjoyed their Careers Day today. They took part in a lively Young Enterprise workshop and explored careers using Unifrog. We loved seeing Dan from Longline Surf School (where we go for Surf Club in year 11)on the big screen! We hope everyone had an informative and enjoyable day.
Friday 20 December 2024 Merry Christmas from AGS Wishing our incredible Antrim Grammar School families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for your continued support and hard work throughout this year, and we're grateful for each one of you!
Thursday 20 June 2024 Take 5 Level 3 Mrs Aitcheson was proud to accept the Take 5 Schools Level 3 Award on behalf of our School.
Thursday 21 March 2024 Stand by Me Bake Sale A special thank you to all our pupils who came along and supported 8T’s Bake Sale today. We raised a fantastic £280.08 This money will go to our school’s chosen charity, ‘Stand by Me’ to support our sponsored child, Sena. A huge thank you to every child in 8T who baked these amazing sweet treats and for creating posters to advertise our bake sale around school. The treats were delicious and were thoroughly enjoyed at breaktime today. Thanks also to your parents for helping us to make this happen. You have a mind to be kind!
Wednesday 20 March 2024 Salamanca Trip Pupils enjoyed a four day study trip to Salamanca, where they immersed themselves in the Spanish language and culture. They attended morning classes at the university and took part in a variety of activities in the afternoons and evenings, such as dancing, cooking and sight-seeing. They thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learnt a lot from it.
Wednesday 13 March 2024 Schools Trophy Final
Tuesday 12 March 2024 AS Geography Fieldwork The thumbnail has been assigned to the news item, and for convenience also added to the body here:24 Year 13 Geography pupils recently went to the UMBRA Nature Reserve, close to Benone Strand, to collect data for their AS fieldwork. After an uneventful bus journey, the pupils donned their warm clothing and boots and proceeded to the sand dunes. Thankfully the waterproof clothing proved superfluous, and we were treated to a glorious day with spectacular views of Donegal to the north-west and the wide expanse of Benone Strand stretching away to Downhill to the east. The pupils took samples of the soil and analysed the vegetation cover on the dunes as we moved inland. Having worked steadily, it was time to make the return journey. A visit to McDonalds in Coleraine gave the pupils some time to rest their weary legs after a busy morning.
Thursday 29 February 2024 Farewell Mrs Ingram Today we said farewell to Mrs Ingram on her last day as the Principal's Secretary at Antrim Grammar School. Her years of dedication have made a lasting impact, and we wish her all the best in her exciting new journey. Thank you, Helen, for your hard work and positive influence. Here's to new beginnings and continued success!
Friday 9 February 2024 Biodiversity Committee Update Bird watching has started at Antrim Grammar school! Yesterday, the Biodiversity committee welcomed Jo Mullholland, Community Learning Officer in from RSPB NI. She talked about how we can maximise the biodiversity of different bird species around our local area. We discussed practical ways we can get involved in improving the environment for birds and planned out efficient ways to track and monitor number of species. We even spotted some rare birds and got to learn the bird calls and sounds of different species!
Friday 2 February 2024 Plant One Million Trees This week we were honoured to host The Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Mark Cooper when we took delivery of some native trees as part of the "Plant One Million Trees" initiative. The Mayor is pictured here with Mrs Aitcheson our Pastoral Vice Principal and some members from the Biodiversity group. He was very interested to hear of the exciting projects this hardworking team are currently planning.
Wednesday 13 September 2023 Cerys called to the Bar of NI Many congratulations to former AGS pupil Cerys Kennedy who was recently called to the Bar of Northern Ireland. We pass on our best wishes to Cerys and wish her well as she continues in her career.
Thursday 29 June 2023 Tower - House Cup 2023
Wednesday 28 June 2023 Staff Farewell
Wednesday 21 June 2023 Science Fair Winners
Friday 12 May 2023 Farewell - Class of 2023
Wednesday 15 March 2023 Wayne Denner - Online Safety On Wednesday 15 March, we had the privilege of hosting Wayne Denner at Antrim Grammar School. He gave an amazing talk on online safety and our students were engaged and learned so much from his expertise. Thank you, Wayne, for sharing your valuable insights with us.
Thursday 9 March 2023 GCSE Geography Fieldtrip
Tuesday 7 February 2023 Rugby Choir for IRFU Charitable Fund On Tuesday 7th February at Antrim Grammar School, an event took place to raise money for the IRFU Charitable Fund.
Tuesday 7 February 2023 Medallion Semi-final Success
Monday 6 February 2023 Camden Women in Industry Awards 2023
Monday 6 February 2023 Dressage Success for Finn Well done to Year 10 pupil, Finn Doherty who won the Interschools Prelim Key Stage 3 Dressage competition at Knockagh View Equestrian Centre on Saturday. Finn had a fantastic winning score of 71.2%.
Wednesday 11 January 2023 The Saphara Be The Change Project Be The Change Schools is a unique educational programme which empowers and equips sixth form pupils in Northern Ireland to support Newcomer children in NI with low levels of English literacy living in socio-economically disadvantaged areas. Through this, sixth form pupils have the chance to make a difference in their lives by acting as a buddy and engaging in year-long activities and fundraising.
Saturday 7 January 2023 Open Day 2023
Tuesday 20 December 2022 Duke of Edinburgh Congratulations to some of our Y12 pupils who were recently presented with their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
Friday 9 December 2022 Home-Start Collection A big thank you to all of our pupils, parents and staff who contributed to the food collection for Home-Start, Antrim District. AGS has supported Home-Start for many years now and the food collection has become a tradition for the school. A special thank you goes to Dr O'Kane for her fantastic efforts in organising the collection.
Thursday 17 November 2022 Industrial Ambassadors We were delighted to invite in Bryan Massey (General manager at Metal Technology in Antrim) to present two NEW Technology prizes at our recent AGS prize day. Metal Technology kindly presented our best GCSE and A Level boy with these beautiful trophies and awarded the best GCSE pupil with a cheque for £75 and the A-level student with a cheque for £150. As one of our newly established industrial ambassadors, we are delighted to be networking with our local industry and we greatly appreciate the support of Metal Technology and Bryan Massey as we seek to encourage more of our pupils into STEM subjects.
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