Life at AGS
Please use the links below to browse content on Life at AGS:
Our Stationery and Equipment list can be viewed here.
It is expected that pupils wear their uniform with pride and in an exemplary fashion. The list below is to help Parents and Guardians to shop for uniforms and provides guidance on the choice of correct items. Click here to view the full Uniform list.
Please note that the official supplier will stock the official uniform garments. They also have in stock other items which appear similar but which do not meet all of the school’s regulations. It is the responsibility of Parents/Guardians to ensure that the correct garments are purchased and worn at school. The School reserves the right to send pupils home who do not comply with uniform regulations. Click here for general appearance guidelines.
Official School Outfitter: Wallace’s, 7 High Street, Antrim BT41 4AX. Tel: 028 9446 1579
P.E. / Games Kit
Only regulation kit may be worn during P.E. and Games periods, practices or when taking part in matches. Click here to view the P.E. / Games Uniform list.
It is compulsory for pupils who represent the School at sport to have the School branded navy tracksuit bottoms and the School branded fleece or midlayer top.
All items can be purchased from the School Shop on our website.
Pupils can hire a locker in school to manage their books and belongings. The cost is £10 per year and is non-refundable; it is paid through the Parentmail Shop at the start of each academic year. Once a payment has been processed, pupils will be issued with their key.
Full details can be found here.
Pupils can make use of lockers at the following times during the school day:
- Before School: 8.30am - 8.40am
- Break: 11.05am - 11.20am
- Lunch: 1.25pm - 1.30pm or 1.55pm - 2.05pm
- After School: 3.10pm onwards
Pupils must store mobile phones in their locker from 8.40am - 3.10pm.
Break and Lunch
Pupils can avail of food options in school or bring in their own break and lunch. As a nut free school, pupils cannot bring nuts or kiwi fruit into school in any form. Please remember that, for health reasons, energy drinks are also banned from school.
The Hot Plate
The Hot Plate provides a service for all pupils and staff in a bright and spacious facility. Pupils in Years 8 – 14 can use the school canteen facilities at break and at lunch time. The canteen operates a cash system, with pupils paying on the day for the food selected.
There is a wide variety of hot and cold meals at very reasonable prices. We also include a selection of food to go including baguettes, paninis and pasta dishes. Menus change frequently and cater for all tastes and dietary needs.
Catering staff take healthy eating very seriously and are committed to providing nutritionally balanced food for pupils and staff in line with Government Nutritional Standards for School Meals.
The Hot Plate has been awarded a 5* Food Hygiene Rating by the Food Standards Agency.
Penny Lane
Year 13 and Year 14 pupils can prepare their own hot food and drinks during break or lunch in our self catering cafe Penny Lane.
Packed Lunches
Packed lunches are also an option to provide your child with a balanced healthy meal. All pupils are welcome to eat their packed lunch in The Hot Plate, while Year 8 pupils have their own designated area in the Stinson Hall for packed lunches. Year 13 and 14 may eat packed lunches in their very own Sixth Form Café.
Water is always available from the 3 filtered water fountains located in the pupil foyer, outside the medical room and in the foyer of the Sports Hall and we actively encourage our pupils to bring their own water bottles.
Free School Meals
The Education Authority (EA) for Northern Ireland is responsible for assessing eligibility for Free School Meals based on Department of Education (DE) / Department for the Economy (DfE) criteria.
Applications Forms and further information are available here: Education Authority
Individual photographs are taken of each pupil at the beginning of Year 8 for their Pupil Record. This is required for Health and Safety and Child Protection. The photographs are then updated at the beginning of Year 13.
Photographs of pupils may be taken to celebrate achievements, during events or during demonstrations of classroom activities and may be displayed in school or on our school website or Facebook page. When photographs are being taken, pupils will be advised about why they are being taken.
Consent for photographs will have been sought at the time of enrolment. If at any time a parent decides to withdraw consent or would like a photograph of their child they should contact the School Office.
If travelling to and from Antrim Grammar School by car, parents and guardians are encouraged to drop pupils off or collect pupils from the entrance to the Tunnel which brings pupils directly to and from the school grounds.
If travelling by Bus, the section below shows the Bus Routes which operate to and from Antrim Grammar School. Information on Bus Passes can be obtained from the Education Authority using this link.
Morning Bus Routes
Click here for the Bus Routes that operate to Antrim Grammar School.
Afternoon Bus Routes
Click here for the Bus Routes that operate from Antrim Grammar School.
Homework is an important aspect of school life. In Antrim Grammar the purpose of homework is:
- to provide opportunities for extended practice beyond the classroom
- to develop pupils’ capacity for independent learning and inquiry
- to satisfy coursework and/or Controlled Assessment demands
- to offer further opportunities to assess learning
- to prepare pupils for examinations
Google Classroom
All homework is set through Google Classroom and all pupils and parents have access. Pupils can access Google Classroom using their C2k username and password.
Click here to access Google Classroom
Click here to read our Homework Policy
The library is a welcoming place; Year 8, 9 and 10 have library classes and the library is also open during some break and lunchtimes. The emphasis is on encouraging you to read for pleasure, whether your choice of book is a novel or a book about your favourite hobby. Each student is allowed to borrow 3 books for 2 weeks and they are a library member as soon as they join the school.
Character Cards
In Antrim Grammar School we are focused on the holistic development of each individual pupil, which includes building positive character traits like kindness, integrity and humility. All pupils carry a 'Character Card' which is a card that records positive actions and then rewards them as well as noting those areas of focus for a pupil to improve. The card is monitored by the Class Tutor throughout the academic year.
Assessment in an integral part of school life. Here in Antrim Grammar School, we want all pupils to thrive. Our tracking system includes short tracking tests and longer examinations throughout the school year. This allows us to celebrate pupil success and also provide support by allowing teachers to intervene quickly to secure bespoke support for individual pupils.
Communication is extremely important to us in Antrim Grammar School and the key method of communication from School to home is through ParentMail. Friday Focus is a newsletter that is sent to Parents/Guardians every week to inform families of the upcoming events, important information and also provides an opportunity to celebrate pupil achievements in School. In addition to sending Friday Focus, we use ParentMail for communication about events, trips and collecting payments for simplicity.
Please ensure that you provide the School with accurate email addresses for information to be sent home. You should check your ParentMail activity regularly so that important information is not missed. Feel free to download the ParentMail App from your App Store in order to aid this process.
Photocopying and Printing
Pupils have access to printing and photocopying in School. There are photocopiers for pupils to use located in the Pupil Foyer, B Corridor, C Corridor and at Technology. Pupils will receive a printer code via email and printer credits when they start in Antrim Grammar School. Once they have used the allocated credits, they will have the opportunity to purchase additional personal credits from the School Office.
Mobile Phones
All pupils are required to put their mobile phone into their locker no later than 8:40am each morning until 3:10pm. Pupils are not permitted to use their mobile phones during the day unless they are in Sixth Form. Sixth Form pupils are allowed to use their mobile phone at break and lunch in designated areas.