Sixth form
The transformational experience our sixth form students have enjoyed in recent years has continued to yield the best A level results in our School's history. Furthermore our senior students have progressed to the next step in their career as leaders who are resilient and self-assured. We are proud of how our senior students continue to reflect our key values and ethos in their character and determination to succeed.
Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness - Anne Frank
Joining AGS in 2024 - Latest Information
Antrim Grammar School will provide advice and give assistance to anyone from another school who is interested in joining our Sixth Form. Please read thoroughly and consider the detail contained in this section relating to our Sixth Form Subject Offer and Entrance Criteria which will enable you to make an informed decision regarding an application. If you would like to proceed, please scroll down and complete the form link under 'Expression of Interest' - once submitted we will be in touch with more information in due course.
Why Join Us? - A Student Perspective
Leah McFarland - Year 13
During my time in Antrim Grammar I’ve always found the support system to be above and beyond. The teachers have pushed me to achieve my full potential, whilst offering their support through stressful periods, such as examinations and assessments. Throughout all of the opportunities and experiences AGS has given me, my confidence has grown significantly from being a shy first year, to having the confidence to take assemblies and play a part in other school events. I have contributed to the Mental Health & Wellbeing Team, taken part in Athletics and played for the Rugby Team. I have also presented at the BPS Student Psychology Convention. I have found that with these opportunities at my fingertips and the teachers’ tireless commitment to their students, I couldn’t have had a better school experience, achieving not only competent grades, but growing as an individual. The school has enabled me to make lasting friendships in the AGS Community.
Kyle Wilson - Year 13
Over the past six years Antrim Grammar School has provided me with the opportunity to make new friends, broaden my knowledge and even travel to other countries on school trips to France and Italy. I’ve had the privilege of playing and training with the Senior Boys’ Hockey team and also participating in our School Orchestra for the duration of my school life.
Year 13, although short, has been one of my most memorable years at school due to the extra level of independence associated with Sixth Form. I’ve had the chance to take part in our Community Pop Up Café which was a brilliant experience and enabled our year group to raise money for a Mental Health Charity.
AGS students are always friendly and I’ve developed relationships that I’m sure will last for years to come. I can easily say without a doubt that AGS has made me the person I am today and I would recommend it to you as a school you should seriously consider attending.
Subjects on offer at Sixth Form
In Sixth Form we offer a wide range of A level subjects (or equivalent) in order to cater for the needs and interests of our pupils and those of higher education and employers. Our curriculum offer encompasses traditional A level subjects together with some vocational courses.
Universities continue to place a premium on good grades in three A2 subjects (or equivalent) and achievement of those grades remains the central focus of Sixth Form studies at Antrim Grammar School. In addition to our academic provision we seek to enable Sixth Form students to develop their social, dramatic, musical and sporting interests and to encourage qualities of leadership, initiative and responsibility. As a school we remain committed to our aim of 'Education for Life' and in equipping our young people to meet the needs of an ever changing society.
For full and detailed look at our Sixth form subject offer, click Sixth Form Options Booklet.
We have also created a dedicated Options web page which gives you the opportunity to view an introduction from each department offering a course of study at Sixth Form. Click Options Area to access this dedicated space.
Entrance Criteria
In light of modern day academic requirements for university, higher level apprenticeships or employment, our senior students must study a minimum of three AS/A2 subjects, though pupils with a strong GCSE profile will study four, or occasionally five AS subjects.
In order to be considered for a place in Lower Sixth Form (Year 13) a candidate must fulfil all of the Sixth Form Entrance Criteria as detailed in the Sixth Form Admissions Policy (see Sixth Form Options Booklet page 4). Key criterion includes the achievement of a minimum of at least 7A* - C grades (or equivalent) at GCSE and a minimum of 14 GCSE points.
Expression of Interest
If you would like to contact us regarding securing a place in Sixth Form, please complete the Expression of Interest For Entry to Sixth Form and send it to the school by post or using the email address included, for the attention of Mr McMahon, current Head of Sixth Form. Alternatively if you would just like to chat about your options then call the school and ask to speak to Mr McMahon directly. We look forward to hearing from you.
Leadership Opportunities
A crucial aspect of student development in Sixth Form is providing and encouraging students with opportunities to lead. Our students continue to impress as they respond to the many challenges and take responsibility in leading broader school activities.
Leadership Roles in Sixth Form:
- Mentor to Year 8
- Social Buddy - Organising Junior School Events
- Leading Assemblies
- Organising Charity Fundraisers
- Assistance at Extra-Curricular Clubs
- Class Captains
- Assistance at PLUG and Numeracy Ninjas
- Sports Captain
- Staff/Student Committees
- Social Media
- Student Leadership Council
- Prefect
- Senior Prefect
Sixth Form Centre
Our Sixth Form Centre is a school area which has enjoyed significant investment in recent years, now containing two very well finished study areas with lockers, printing facilities, digital signage and most importantly full-time supervision from two dedicated members of our Staff Team. Our Sixth Form Common Area is also a recently re-furbished shared space which contains modern seating, a senior student Café, Penny Lane and a large kitchen space for students to prepare their own meals. For a look at all Break and Lunchtime options click this Menu.
Sixth Form Fee
The Antrim Grammar School Sixth Form Fee is £100 per year and is payable before starting Year 13 and Year 14. The Sixth Form Fee is payable on Results Day each year, prior to the start of the academic year.
Your Next Steps If You Have Secured a Place at AGS
Congratulations on securing a place at AGS - please click here to access important information and type in the passcode you have been given.
If you really want to do something you will find a way. If you don't you will find an excuse - Jim Rohn